« 『バビロニア・ウェーブ』(堀晃/創元SF文庫) | トップページ | 結婚しました »

2007年3月31日 (土)


Idol TV show contestant unites war-weary Iraqis (CNN)

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Shada Hassoon, a charismatic and talented 26-year-old singer, is doing for Iraq what weary politicians in that strife-torn country have so far failed to do: unite the fractious nation.
Hassoon is a contestant representing Iraq on LBC's "Star Academy," a televised entertainment competition from Lebanon similar to "American Idol."
She has advanced all the way to the finals and is one of four contestants left.


Hassoon has mixed national heritage. She was born in Morocco to an Iraqi father and a Moroccan mother.
But she is regarded as an Iraqi because nationality is based on her father's country.
She identifies herself as an Iraqi national and says her dream since childhood has been "to represent my country, Iraq, in arts."
"We voted for Shada without asking if she were a Shiite or a Sunni," Hicham Mahmoud Alaazami said on the Al-Arabiya Web site. "We voted for her just because she is an Iraqi."
Hassoon has been the object of attention in Arabic-language media in Iraq and across the Arab world.

 Shada Hassoon というイラク国籍の歌姫が、“レバノンの「American Idol」”みたいなコンテスト・テレビ番組で最後の四人に入るまで勝ち上がり、イラクのみならず、アラビア語圏の注目の的となっているそうだ。シーア派・スンニ派の対立はとりあえず脇に置いて、“イラク人”のアイドルを応援しようという空気で盛り上がっているらしい。


 Shada Hassoon star academy 4


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投稿: hikondo | 2007年3月31日 (土) 10時38分





投稿: 冬樹蛉 | 2007年4月 1日 (日) 15時48分

投稿: 冬樹蛉 | 2007年4月 3日 (火) 00時37分




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